Jerry Kavinsky is coming on your Commodore 64Print page


Let me introduce you the new hero in Commocore's galaxy of computer game characters. It's Jerry Kavinsky, a warp hero not afraid of taking part in any intergalactic mission.

In just a few days, a new game titled Jerry Kavinsky versus Space Goblins will be released. This is one of two games we sent to the Reset64 4kb 'Craptastic' Game Competition this year where game creators from over the world are able to submit their games until the end of August. After this deadline, game will be released for free. So, this September!

Next to Ms Lily's Haunted Shop, a shooter released in 2021 for The C64 'Cassette 50' Charity Competition, this game also features scrolling shooter elements but is technically the first platformer released under Commocore label! We're moving to the next level with this pretty strong release. Since game projects submitted to the Craptastic contest cannot exceed 4 kilobytes, also in this case, this can be only a glimpse of what the full game could look like. So I'm pleased to share with you, that this game, or rather a fully working proof of concept you're going to try in a few days, has landed on our list of promising projects next to the game Bring back my bones 4k, submitted 4 years ago for the same contest, and the sequel Bring back more bones 4k submitted 2 years later. But in case of Bones, I'll talk about that later and keep it as a little surprise while Craptastic entries are still open.

While Jerry Kavinsky need to wait in his space shuttle for the game release still, check out the small teaser. I hope you will like it!

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